Helicopter Safety Offshore

helicopter safety offshoreHelicopter Safety Offshore: Keeping Workers Safe

Worker safety is a major concern for any industry. For offshore oil rigs it is especially important since the workers are confined to an oil rig platform, surrounded by nothing but the high seas.

Working on an offshore rig is considered one of the most trying jobs on the planet. The challenges range from the rig workers needing to live and work in confined spaces for an extended period of time, to dangers such as fires, hurricanes and equipment malfunctions.

With offshore rigs located several hundred miles out at sea, it’s important that oil and gas companies have an effective mode of transportation to extract employees in case of an emergency. With this in mind, helicopter safety offshore, and overall rig safety is a serious topic that companies with rigs, located in Canada or elsewhere, need to contend with.

Training and Equipment Involved in Offshore Safety Practices

Currently, the most effective mode of transportation linked to offshore rig evacuation is the helicopter. Being able to utilize it in almost any weather condition, along with the ability to maneuver it in tight spaces, makes the helicopter a great option for rescue situations. Furthermore, storage is valuable as a rig rescue may require additional equipment, such as early weather prediction equipment and warning beacons.

Employers also need to invest in proper training to help their employees be prepared for emergency situations. Obtaining Basic Survival Training Certification so that your personnel can keep themselves and their colleagues alive in case of danger could proof to be a lifesaving investment.  Some of the recommended training is to have health and safety forums, know the proper procedures for fire emergencies and learn emergency helicopter escape protocol, in case a rescue helicopter was to go down. Training should also include instruction on the proper use of warm wet suits, which rig workers are required to use if they have to abandon the rig before a rescue team can get to them during a storm.

This is a prime example of the fact that offshore safety is more than just having an effective mode of evacuation transport. In some situations, you will find that the rig workers may need to wait for some hours before help can reach them. Being able to stay safe after abandoning ship is a very important part of the safety training.

Preparing Rig Workers for Helicopter Rescue

In most situations, weather surveillance equipment will issue bad weather warnings well before a weather system reaches the offshore oil or gas rig. If there is an indication that storm weather will affect the rig, it will notify the team to execute helicopter evacuation procedures. It is important for rig workers to receive proper safety training regarding helicopter evacuation. Some safety precautions covered in this training may include:

  • Ensuring the rescue harness is fastened correctly, before being hoisted;
  • Learning how to combat sway while being hoisted in to the helicopter;
  • Handling water rescue operations, since you may be in water when being rescued.

With oil and gas rig workers located hundreds of miles from the mainland, it’s important that they be prepared for every possibility. This is especially true today, as climate changes have made weather systems more extreme. Only by being prepared, getting the proper training and using the latest technology and equipment to promote offshore safety, can accidents and injuries be avoided while working on offshore rigs.

Mining Safety: High Pressure Injection Injury

mining safetyMining Safety: High Pressure Injection Injury

The unpredictability of a mine’s infrastructure is not the only potential hazard for workers. If they’re not paying proper attention, mine operators can also be injured by various pieces of mining equipment. Among the most insidious types of injuries are those caused by a high pressure injection.

This happens when fluid, that is meant to be channeled through a high pressure injection tube, is accidently injected into a hand or limb. This could occur as the result of a faulty hydraulic hose, a break in an air pipe or an errant grease gun. The typical amount of pressure used by these types of machines can run in the range between 1000psi and 1500psi. Imagine that kind of pressure being injected into your body? That’s not an experience anyone would want to go through.

The Symptoms of a High Pressure Injection Injury

At first, a high pressure injection injury might feel like a minor bee sting or needle prick. The spot where the injury occurred may not even bleed. There could be some initial numbness, but often the person affected by the accident doesn’t feel anything. That doesn’t mean the damage hasn’t been done; furthermore, the pain and irritation may intensify later on. The real concern is not so much the damage to the skin, but what foreign elements could have been injected into the body at such a high volume.

The Treatment

A high pressure injection injury can be thought of as a “liquid bullet,” which can cause as much injury as a real bullet. This type of injury is easy to overlook; even if symptoms aren’t immediately present, a rapid response is key. Anyone who has felt that stinging or jabbing sensation, or knows they have suffered a high pressure injection injury, should immediately seek medical attention. Hopefully, the medical professionals in the area will be familiar with the proper treatment of these types of injuries.

The treatment will often require some type of surgery that will alleviate the pressure surrounding the wound. The injured may also require antibiotics to combat the effects of whatever was injected in to their body. These types of wounds should be taken very seriously. Left untreated, they can result in infection, disfigurement, amputation, and in extreme cases, death.

The Prevention

The obvious goal is to prevent these types of accidents from happening in the first place. That could be accomplished by immediately responding to any equipment or hose leak. This doesn’t mean checking that piece of equipment with your bare hands. Instead, allow for the proper maintenance personal to handle the situation. Only someone who has been certified to work on hydraulic systems should be attending to that type of equipment. When there is a leak in this type of machinery, proper isolation procedures need to be implemented.

It will help if mine operators become familiar with all the potential “hot zones” where these types of injuries could occur. It all comes down to constantly being observant on the job.

Is Your Professional Appearance Keeping You From Mining?

Professional AppearanceIs Your Professional Appearance Keeping You From Mining?

As it stands, Victoria is the only city in Canada that has laws that prohibit discrimination based on appearance. As a result of these special laws, there have been over a hundred claims filed based on people being rejected for a job because of their weight. There have also been claims based on height, hairstyles and body modifications. Even a person’s body odor has been cause to file a discrimination claim.

Fair or not, these claims are difficult to prove, so it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get the job. With regards to things like tattoos and piercing, it might be more of a perception issue than anything else. Could your tattoos be keeping you out of the mining workforce?

Surveys have found that the perception of people with tattoos is that they are somehow “rough around the edges.” Those discreetly placed tattoos that won’t even be revealed in a job interview aren’t the problem. However, it is hard to hide full sleeve, neck or face tattoos.

Body modifications like multiple piercings and ear gauges could also stop recruiters from hiring individuals. Of course, unless the recruiter specifically mentions your body art as the cause, you may never know for sure. Do you want to take that chance?

It may also come down to the type of tattoo that can be seen. Certain tattoos like tear drops and spider webs could often refer to someone with a criminal history. These are often the markings of gang related “trophies.” Tattoos that are overly offensive such as those with nudity or depictions of violence could also be a detriment to getting hired.

Having tattoos does not automatically keep you out of mine operation work. There are sure to be plenty of workers who enjoy getting tattoos. However, what if you decide that you want to advance from your current position? Would the management of your company be accepting of those tattoos?

This isn’t so much an issue for among coworkers; however, it could be when it comes to you dealing with potential clients and vendors. In other words, what might those people think about a person covered in ink and piercings? If there is a chance that they may have a negative connotation associated with your “art work,” then it will be hard for your upper management team to get over that.

What can you do if you have visible tattoos? If you are looking for advancement, then talk to your company’s human resource representative. Be blunt and ask them if your ink is going to hold you back from a promotion. If so, then you might want to think about getting those tattoos removed. What is more important? A tattoo or a good job?

The good news is that tattoo acceptance is gaining ground as more and more people are getting them. This acceptance is probably more widespread among the younger generation. Still, if you’re thinking about adding ink, then you need to be aware of the impact it could have on your future. The best advice is to find a way to keep your tattoos covered.

Mining Safety Mistakes You Could be Making

mining safety mistakesMining Safety Mistakes You Could be Making

Statistically speaking, major mining accidents are a bit of a rarity. When a severe accident occurs, it becomes the lead news story for several days. Meanwhile, there are hundreds of mining operations all over the world that continue to excavate as per their usual procedures. Therefore, the question is, “are these mines acting safely?” There are safety points that every mining operation can and should implement. Mining is a dangerous job, were safety must be priority number one, at all times. Are you sure that mistakes, of any caliber, aren’t being made at your mine?

Too Many Slogans, Not Enough Action

Putting up safety slogan posters and issuing “action” memos is an easy way for management to promote workplace safety; but if executive leaders truly put safety first, you’ll see them in action. Management should be following up on monthly reviews and exemplifying the safety signage they are posting. Maintaining safety checklists and protocols are important, a mining manager should work closely with their team to inspect safety systems; a task which creates a great opportunity for managers to lead by example. Showing workers that they are genuinely serious about safety will go a lot further than any “break room slogan.”

Letting Things Pass 

An accident can occur in the blink of an eye. The same could be said for overlooking the conditions that may lead up to that accident. When management overlooks minor breaches for the sake of expediency, they are essentially showing workers that they can cut corners. This is not the message you want to send. The safety guidelines apply to all workers, during all shifts, at all times. Anything less, even the “smallest” of infractions, is putting the entire operation at risk.

Not Recognizing Good Work

There are many mining operations which post a sign that reads “____ days since the last accident.” The hope is that the number of days between accidents continues to grow. While that is certainly a “hat tip” to the workers, it really doesn’t go far enough in providing positive reinforcement for following the safety rules. Does your management team acknowledge when safety requirements are met?

Ignoring Safety Protocols

Safety protocols are not created on a whim; a lot of effort has gone into those procedures. However, if management ignores protocol because they find them “intrusive,” they are doing a disservice to the entire operation. Instead, management should be receptive to hearing feedback from the workers, if and when there is an issue with a particular safety practice. Remember, the main work force is the front-line when it comes to maintaining safety. They carry out procedures and are within the work conditions each day,and  they will have great insight when it comes to knowing what works and what doesn’t.

Not Embracing Safety Routines

There are safety routines including checklists before, during, and after a work shift, that every mining operator needs to follow. By sticking to these routines, workers at all levels of experience will know what hazards to look out for during their shifts. Yes, you are “drilling safety procedures” into the workers’ head, but that is how they will stick.

Lack of Focus for Safety Observations

The best way to see if safety procedures are being followed is to observe those procedures in action. The mine’s management team should be conducting safety inspections on a regular basis. These occurrences need to be more than just checking off a list; constructive criticism should be offered to all workers in order to help them improve their actions. Catching a worker doing something wrong is not the main goal, noticing an error and challenging them to do better is what will make it a safer work environment for the entire staff.

Fatigue Being Studied with ReadiBand

FatigueFatigue Being Studied with ReadiBand

Worker fatigue has long been a problem plaguing many, but especially those employed as mining operators. However, it might have less to do with working too long and more to do with not getting the right amount of rest. Even though doctors recommend that we get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night, rarely does anyone sleep for that amount of time. In order to find out how miners are holding up, several major mining companies are teaming up with Fatigue Science and the ReadiBand sleep monitoring device.

The ReadiBand is a much more affordable and convenient way to collect sleep data. The other method required the test subject to sleep overnight in a lab, hooked up to electrodes that feed the data to recording devices. Sleeping in the comfort of your own bed, the ReadiBand is worn like a wristwatch and runs on rechargeable batteries. When activated, the ReadiBand utilizes a sophisticated program to determine the level of sleep quality. These findings are based on the wrist movements of the person wearing the device, a method of collecting data which is referred to as actigraphy; the same semiconductors used to transmit this data were created for work with the US Department of Defense.  The data collected through monitoring is then transmitted to a computer and analyzed by Fatigue Science.

The type of information that the ReadiBand collects includes the following:

  • Average amount of time slept each night;
  • The amount of time it takes to fall asleep;
  • The number of times a person wakes up during the night;
  • Fatigue risk analysis based on blood alcohol levels vs. fatigue levels.

Add it all together and the wearer of the ReadiBand has concrete information to discuss with their doctor. Together, adjustments can be made to ensure more effective sleep patterns. This is a proactive step towards combating the issue of work fatigue and could change the way everyone in the mining industry looks at sleep.

One of the first operations to bring Fatigue Science on board was the Rio Tinto mining company. Back in 2011, the Rio Tinto workers were asked to wear the ReadiBand over a two-week period. In just those first 14 days, data showed that the highest occurrence of fatigue-related accidents were happening at the conclusion of the first day shift and during the last night shift. Because of these findings, Rio Tinto introduced new safety guidelines that prevent workers from operating heavy machinery if they’ve been awake for 14 hours straight or more. Once those rules were put into place, those fatigue-related accidents faded. The workers also reported feeling better, which improved moral and helped with overall productivity.

Here in Canada, the ReadiBand is being used by Vancouver’s hockey team, the Canucks; and consumers are renting the ReadiBand from the pharmacy chain, London Drugs. For a nominal charge, the local pharmacist can upload all the collected data and obtain a detailed sleep report for the user.

Fatigue Science has been leading the charge to study sleep disorders. Their fatigue measurement technology is helping a large segment of the population get a better night’s rest. This will translate into less fatigue-related accidents and better health all around.

Combating Farm Noise Fatigue

noise fatigue

The Sight and Hearing Association of Minnesota has found that hearing loss can occur from chronic overexposure to loud noise. Noise fatigue is a workplace hazard for many occupations, including farming.

According to several university studies and research compiled by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, up to 75% of all farmers experience some form of work-related noise fatigue and hearing loss. Although mining comes in at number one, farming would be towards the top of the list when it comes to occupations that have a high risk of causing hearing loss.

Here are some of the symptoms to be aware of with hearing loss:

  • Difficulty in understanding what someone is saying;
  • Reduced sound quality;
  • Hearing less overall;
  • Tinnitus, commonly described as ringing in the ear.

Hearing loss is often progressive. This means that farmers exposed to persistent, intense noise could feel the affected of damage later in life. For example, despite upgrading to noise reducing machinery such as cab tractors, hearing loss could still occur due to past exposure. Unfortunately, many farmers feel that the only loud noises they come in to contact with are from the tractors. This is not the case; throughout the day, a farmer is exposed to a variety of noises that could lead to damage.

How loud is too loud? A general rule of thumb is that if you have to raise your voice over the noise of a machine to talk to someone who is just a few feet away, then the machine noise could be at a damaging level. The accepted level of work related noise is 85 decibels; anything louder than this and protective gear should be used to prevent hearing damage.

How do farm noises rate? Consider these decibel levels:

  • Tractor = 74-112 decibels
  • Combine = 80-105 decibels
  • Chainsaw = 77-120 decibels
  • Riding Mower = 79-89 decibels
  • Pig Squeals = 85-115 decibels

Clearly, there isn’t a lot going on during the course of an average workday on the farm that wouldn’t require the need for noise protection. There are many types of protective gear available on the market including noise reduction headphones to ear buds; even small earplugs will provide some level of noise dampening. In order to follow through on using them when needed, the best choice is something you feel comfortable wearing.

Whatever type of safety gear you select, consider purchasing several pairs. By having multiple sets spread across your machinery, you are more likely to remember to use them. Whenever possible, try to go from a noisy environment to a quiet zone to give your ears a rest. The harsh reality is that the hearing loss from the persistent noises that come with the job, is irreversible. Not even hearing aids or surgery can make up for the loss; however, that doesn’t mean you cannot slow down the progression. It is vital that you wear protective hearing gear at all times, your hearing should not be taken for granted.

Surviving the Holidays On an Oil Rig

holidays on an oil rigWe all know that the holidays are a time to spend with family and friends. However, if you’re contracted to work on an offshore oil rig during this time of year, it could mean spending them far from your loved ones. As challenging as this may be, there are ways to ease the holiday blues. Consider these helpful tips for keeping up your cheer while spending your holidays on an oil rig:

  • Be Straight with Your Family: Obviously, you’re going to know if you can’t make it home for the holidays. Share your schedule with your family as soon as it becomes available; this will give them the chance to accept the situation. It will also let them know you’ll be thinking of them no matter how far away you’re working. Of course, if a last minute opportunity comes your way, then the surprise trip home will be all the more sweeter.
  • Stay in Touch: Just because you can’t physically be there for the holidays doesn’t mean you can’t stay in touch. During the holidays, keep the texts flowing. Be sure to share plenty of pictures of your life on the rig. If you have the opportunity, schedule a little face time with a video chat. Even on an oil rig, there will be plenty of technology to let you connect with your family over the holidays; just make sure you work out your time zone issues in advance.
  • Plan for a Second Christmas: There will come a time when you’ll be off the rig and back with your family, so plan for a second Christmas. In many ways, a Christmas in March could be even more fun. You’re sure to have plenty of laughs as you come up with a spring version of a Christmas tree! If possible, it might make sense to squeeze in an early Christmas before you leave for your time on the rig. Either way, locking down a date for an alternative holiday will lessen the sting of you being away, especially if you have younger children.
  • Mail a Letter: We live in the age of instant communication, but when was the last time you sent an actual handwritten letter? Sending a greeting card or letter from your job posting will deliver a personal message that only you can craft. There is something very special about holding a letter or card sent from a loved one; these are the mementoes that will matter years from now. Can you imagine looking for an email in ten years?
  • Make it Count: Just because you’re be away from your family doesn’t mean you’re going to be alone. There will be plenty of co-workers who are in the exact same situation. Why not put together your own celebration with your rig mates? This will be the time to break out the family photos and that box of home baked cookies that arrived in the mail. At the end of the day, you’ll feel a lot better if you’ve had the chance to share some holiday cheer.

Happy holidays!

Facing the Winter on Oil Rigs

winter on oil rigsFacing the Winter on Oil Rigs

Good pay and solid benefits are the enticing attributes of working on an oil rig. To reap the financial rewards of working on a rig, workers face extreme challenges both physically and mentally. If the intense and grueling type of work was not enough, work conditions on oil rigs can be very dangerous, especially during the winter months.

A typical schedule would consist of 12 hour shifts for up to two weeks at a time and since oil rigs operate around the clock, this means long hours, day or night. As only the most extreme conditions would be cause for shut down of the rigs, workers are subject to harsh climates during their long, winter shifts.

Working in the Extreme Cold

Two weather related, medical conditions you need to be aware of when working in extremely cold temperatures are frostbite and hypothermia. Education on these conditions is very important as in extreme cases, they can be fatal.

With hypothermia, your temperature drops faster than your body can generate heat, resulting in a complete breakdown of your body’s systems. Not wearing the right type of protective clothing can contribute to hypothermia, however, if you are tired, already suffering from an ailment such as a cold or the flu, or haven’t eaten a well-balanced meal, you may also be susceptible.

The initials signs of hypothermia can include fatigue, muscle cramps, shivering and feelings of intense cold. As it persists, slurred speech, a slowed heart rate, lack of coordination and the inability to focus on tasks may also become indicators of worsening hypothermia. Recognizing these symptoms for yourself is hard enough, so workers in conditions where hypothermia is a potential risk need to be diligent about not only themselves, but also their coworkers. If you feel you see the beginning signs of hypothermia in yourself or others, seek medical attention right away.

The other condition workers are susceptible to in the cold weather is frostbite. Unlike hypothermia’s more internal affects, frostbite is identifiable from external markings. Frostbite attacks the outer layers of skin, with the first sign being a whitening of the flesh. After warming up, the skin may become red in color, like a sunburn and the affect area may be a source of swelling, itching, and pain. Here are some preventive measures to take against hypothermia and frostbite:

  • Wear layers. It’s not clothes that keep you warm, but the fact that they lock in the warmth of your body. The more layers between you and falling temperatures, the better.
  • Always cover your head and neck. These areas are where most of your body heat will escape.
  • Choose wool or synthetic fabrics. Clothing of these types of fabric are the best to keep you warm, while cotton which “breathes” should be avoided since you don’t want to release your body warmth.
  • Try to keep moving at all times.
  • Avoid directly touching any metal surface.

You’re body needs plenty of nutrients and fluids for fuel, so if you’re thinking about going on a diet, the time to start is not while working on an oil rig in the winter. Although fluid intake is important, this should not include alcohol. Alcohol tends to thin out the blood vessels which does not mix well with cold weather.

The Living Conditions

When working on an oil rig, there are three options for accommodations; commuting, staying at a camp, or living on an offshore rig.

If commuting to the jobsite from a nearby home, ensure you have a dependable mode of transportation. A truck that won’t start or tires that can’t handle the cold weather conditions won’t be tolerated. If you don’t show up, someone else will gladly work to earn the high pay.

Living at a jobsite camp and living on an off shore rig are very similar. You will be provided with a place to sleep, meals and basic amenities; don’t expect anything fancy or exciting, but do prepare for tight quarters. Make sure to pack or download plenty of reading materials or other activities to keep you occupied on your off hours as Wi-Fi should be available, but may not be dependable. However, with the long and tiring days, most down time will consist of sleep.

Due to the sheer weight of the necessary equipment, along with climate changes that ensure safe ground conditions, the window of opportunity for landlocked oil rigs, makes obtaining work at these sites a seasonal opportunity. That’s not to say you won’t find work during the off season but you’ll have to be diligent and flexible to keep up your employment.

How In Shape is Your Employee Health and Wellness Program?

employee health and wellnessEmployee Health and Wellness Program

Many employers provide healthcare benefit packages to their employees, helping to ensure their valuable workers are able to meet their health needs such as doctor’s visits, dental care, eye exams and prescriptions at a reasonable personal expense. Despite the advantages and opportunities that receiving benefits through work provides, this does not ensure that workers are making the best lifestyle choices when it comes to their personal health.

Even when receiving proper medical care, an individual’s health will be greatly impacted by their eating and exercise habits; and let’s face it, when it comes to food and fitness, we could all use a little extra motivation. At the end of the day, all companies depend upon the work of their employees; and if employees are to remain productive, they need to stay in good health. This is why it is vital for companies of all sizes to embrace an employee health and wellness program.

For example, British Petroleum (BP) employs up to 7,000 staff members who are “landlocked” in the central Texas office. Additionally, they employee roughly 3,000 workers on offshore oil rigs where physically demanding work is an everyday occurrence. Since 2006, BP has partnered with Healthways to develop a comprehensive wellness program for all of their employees, whether on land or sea. As part of their health and wellness plan for those working on the oil rigs, medical professionals are even flown in by helicopter to provide medical screenings right on the rigs.

Included in the BP Exploration program are the following items:

  • Regular cholesterol and BMI screenings;
  • A health risk assessment that each worker completes for themselves;
  • Online support and resources through a company website that offers diet, exercise and stress reduction tips;
  • Team based health challenges;
  • Rewards for healthy improvements.

Thanks to those health challenges, 60 members of the BP Atlantis platform recently joined the popular American weight loss program “The Biggest Loser.” While the contestants were sweating off the pounds on TV, the Atlantis crew was shedding their own extra weight while working in the Gulf of Mexico. The crew’s “biggest loser” reportedly dropped 40 pounds during the course of the groups health challenge.

An additional bonus for the Atlantis program was their reduction in food costs. In fact, orders for junk food dropped by as much as 50 percent.

BP is just one example of a company’s implementation of a successful health and wellness program. Many large corporations have created web portals dedicated to supporting their employees’ health and wellness. Along with virtual help, companies are also offering offline support in the form of health coaches and group meetings. Some companies are even adding fitness centers to their buildings, giving employees a convenient location to work out at before heading home for the day. With positive changes, workers will bring their new attitudes and healthy lifestyle outlooks home to their families, who will also reap the benefits of a company health initiative.

The only way for a health and wellness program to be effective is for the entire company to get involved. Your company may already have a program in place. If they do, are you putting it to good use?

Safety Matters to Us

safetyProtecting the safety and health of our employees, customers, and the community is a core value of Mainland Machinery.

Metal fabrication is a dangerous job; so you don’t stay in business if your employees negatively impact your clients’ business operations or suffer workplace injuries. To us – the engineers, welders, installers, and project managers that work on projects – it is important that employee safety is taken seriously.

We want to ensure that our employees safely return to their families each and every day; therefore, Mainland has made it a priority to be a leader in industrial safety. In order to be successful in the development of our safety procedures, we empower our employees and strive to develop individual leadership, teamwork, and management involvement.

Led by our Safety Manager, Dennis Clark, we have created the FABSafe program which focuses on safety integration within our project operations. We are constantly reviewing our performance by taking customer and employee feedback into account, assessing our alignment with industry best practices, and integrating our findings into our daily operational practices. With the FABSafe program, project managers engage in crucial planning sessions before work begins on any phase of a project. This process allows the team to identify and strategize how to reduce any foreseeable risks, in turn allowing the company and customer to benefit from more efficient projects.

Since implementing FABSafe, as well as joining the BC Forest Safety Council’s SAFE Companies program, we have become a leader in industrial safety. As a company, we are immensely proud of our team’s achievements within safety standards and are pleased to note that as of August 2013, we have reached 1,000 days without an on the job injury. Last year, we obtained a COR score of 100 percent and this year we are well on our way to receiving a 99.5 percent rating from the BC Construction Safety Alliance.

Having a low accident rate is something that we aspire for;  it is evidence that the measures we are taking to protect our valuable employees are effective. Our people are deserving of, and enjoy being a part of an organization that ensures that safety is priority and that their lives are being cared for on the job site. At Mainland Machinery, we know that our clients also appreciate our low accident rates which testify to the level of safety and productivity you can count on for your projects.

The need for safety is an ongoing and full-time process which requires company-wide participation. We are dedicated to building solutions for our clients, while having a reputation as a metal fabrications company where safety is not an afterthought but the backbone of our quality and execution processes.