Paul Hiebert – President
He may be at the top of the ladder but he hasn’t lost the common touch. He provides overall direction and strategic planning for the company and is the key man when it comes to bringing everyone together for a common purpose. Paul has an unique capacity to relate well with a broad variety of people and his positive attitude and outlook on life manages to rub off on just about everyone. His ability to key on and analyze the details keeps him in the here and now, but he remains forward thinking and determined to set the company on a path toward excellence and growth.
Paul puts passion into everything he does whether it’s his work, sports, or playing the drums. The only thing that could ever compete with Mainland for his attention is his family, but he always seems to have enough dedication, resourcefulness, and skill to manage it all with customary aplomb.[/two_third] [one_third_last][member name=”Paul Hiebert” role=”President” img=”https://mainlandmachinery.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/M-M_0052-533×400.jpg” mail=”paul@mainlandmachinery.com”]604-854-4244 x102[/member][/one_third_last]