
Colin McRobert – Estimator

Integral to any project’s feasibility is its cost, and Colin is the man behind determining accurate and cost effective estimates. The projects that Mainland Machinery takes on are tremendously diverse and broad in their scope, which is what makes Colin’s job as challenging as it is. However, it is also this aspect of the job that allows him to thrive within the company and where his skills are most valued.

Colin has garnered a reputation within the company for seamlessly integrating his workflow with his coworkers who know that they can rely on him to always lend a hand. Colin’s work ethic in and around the office inspires others and is a key contributor to the overall sense of ardor within the company. In his spare time Colin enjoys spending time with family and friends as well as fishing.[/two_third]
[one_third_last][member name=”Colin McRobert” role=”Estimator” img=”https://mainlandmachinery.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/M-M_0118-533×400.jpg” mail=”colin@mainlandmachinery.com”]604-854-4244 x113[/member][/one_third_last]

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