Crude Discovery Turning Point for Offshore Industry

crude discovery Crude Discovery Turning Point for Offshore Industry

The next 12 months could reveal the long-range future of Canada’s offshore industry” 

This headline of a recent article published on piqued our interested this weekend. With at least two recent finds of significant hydrocarbon in Newfoundland and Labrador waters, and the promise of more on Nova Scotia’s shores, there has been a lot of talk around the future of Canada’s Petroleum industry.

With these recent discoveries, industry leaders and professionals have garnered guesses that the estimates of crude to be found could be even higher than originally thought. The industry is certainly buzzing with the news of the recent crude discovery and many are weighing in on the subject.

To read more on Shell Canada’s geophysical operations and other professional’s opinion on the matter of Canada’s offshore industry future, read the entire article at Oilweek.